Information Hub

Easter Photo Shoot

Are you wanting some family pictures or individual snap shots for Easter? We got you covered! Come on down to CHCPL and get your pretty smile captured on camera in front of our Easter backdrop!

Information Hub

Spring Book Basket Giveaway

Bring in toiletry items for the Comfort Catalog and receive an entry for the Spring Book Basket Giveaway! One item equals one entry. So, bring in as many as you can! This giveaway will be available to enter until the 30th of April.

Information Hub

Affordable Connectivity Program

Multiple Days & Times Available

Make plans to attend an informational meetings about the Affordable Connectivity Program: Do you need help finding affordable internet?  Then find out how it works and if you qualify for this program.  The Affordable Connectivity Program or ACP provides a benefit of up to $30 per month for internet service.  The benefit is available to eligible new customers, current customers, or households who have had internet service in the past. In addition to providing monthly discount for internet service, ACP also provides a one-time discount of up to $100 for a laptop, desktop computer, or tablet purchased through a participating provider.  To use this the benefit, each household must contribute between $10 and $50 toward the purchase price of the device. The ACP is limited to one monthly service discount and one device discount per household.

A household will qualify if someone in your household participates in one of eight assistance programs, including SNAP, Medicaid, or free/reduced lunch. A household may also be eligible because the household income is 200% or less than the Federal Poverty Guidelines.

Registration is required, please call the library at (859) 234-4881 to sign up.

Information Hub

Library Movie Night

Lights-Camera-Action! Movie Night is coming to the Cynthiana-Harrison County Public Library in September! Join us on Thursday’s for a different genre of movie! Classic Movie Night is September 14th and we will be showing the 1959 classic movie Some Like It Hot starring Marilyn Monroe, Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis.    Then on September 28th, we will have Contemporary Movie Night featuring Antman & Wasp Quantumania featuring Paul Rudd as Ant man.   Join us for this fun Marvel movie and get lost in the “marvelverse”.  We will have free popcorn at the movie night, just be sure to bring you favorite drink (in a cup with a lid).    So “Book” your next movie night at the library, we can’t wait to see you!

Thursday, September 14th @ 6:00-Some Like It Hot (Classic Night)

Thursday, September 28th @ 6:00-Ant Man & Wasp Quantumania (Contemporary Night)


Information Hub

Back To School Giveaway-Community Event

FREE Community Event Sponsored by Rev. Ross Park Committee.

Get ready for school, stop by Bridge Street Plaza on August 5th from 10:00-2:00, one backpack per child will given away, while supplies last. The child needs to present to receive supplies. Stop by and say “Hello” to Ada, our bookmobile librarian, she will have the Bookmobile at this event!

If you are interested in donating school supplies contact: Metta Gross.

****This is not a library event, if you have questions, please reach out to the Rev. Ross Park Committee. ****

Information Hub

Free Summer Family Movie @ Rohs Opera House

Join us on Saturday, July 22 at 2:00 pm for a FREE Movie at Rohs Opera House.  We will be showing Super Mario Bros.  (2023).  We will be covering the admission and each person that comes will receive a FREE Small Popcorn.

What: FREE Family Movie: Super Mario Bros.

When: Saturday, July 22 @2:00 pm

Where: Rohs Opera House

For: Everyone

Information Hub

Seed Library

Everyone has been asking and I am happy to announce that our Seed Library is BACK for 2023!!! Seeds will be available to pick up on Monday, March 20th at 9:00 am. Stop by the library and pick up your seeds! We are offering a large variety of vegetable, tomato, herb and flower seeds. If you have questions, please give the library a call at (859) 234-4881.

Information Hub

Librista Mobile APP Available Now

Download the Librista Mobile App to your phone or Ipad. Instantly to connect to your library and have access to your library account. You will be able to search our card catalog and put books on reserve using the Librista App.   Librista is available to download at Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.   If you have questions, call the library at (859) 234-4881.

Information Hub

December Holiday Hours

Tuesday, December 20th the library will be closed from 11:00-1:00.  We will reopen on Tuesday at 1:00.   We will be closed Friday, December 23-Monday December 26 for the Christmas Holiday. We will reopen on Tuesday, December 27th at 9:00 am.