Information Hub

Mitten Tree 2023

The Mitten Tree is up in the library, please stop by and drop off your donations to help us decorate this tree.  This is our 3rd Year decorating a Mitten Tree at the library, last year we collected almost 200 items to donate to the Harrison County Clothing Closet.  Let’s see if Cynthiana and our wonderful library patrons can helps us surpass 200 items in 2022.   You can donate any new socks, gloves, mittens, hats, and scarves at the library.  If you have questions, please contact the library at (859) 234-4881.

Information Hub

Holiday Extravaganza

Mark your calendars for Holiday fun at the library.  Santa & Mrs. Claus will be stopping by the library from 4:00-6:00.  In Addition to Santa, we will also be having a Holiday Photo Shoot in the library from 4:00-7:00, we provide the Christmas Back Drop all you need to bring is a smile and camera.  We will also be serving refreshments and a holiday craft for the little ones.  We cant wait to see everyone on Tuesday, November 29th.

Information Hub

Thanksgiving Hours

The library will close at 5:oo pm on Wednesday, November 23rd.  We will be closed on Thursday & Friday for Thanksgiving.  We will reopen on Saturday, November 26th at 9:00 am.  We hope you enjoy your Thanksgiving Holiday.

Information Hub

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library

Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library has made its Harrison County Debut at the library.  We are so excited for the opportunity to be part of this awesome program.   This program will deliver FREE age appropriate books to your child until their 5th birthday.   Stop by and fill out a registration form your child(ren) at the library. Children ages birth-5th Birthday  that live in Harrison County are eligible. Your child will receive one free book month until their 5th birthday. Spread the word! If you have questions, please call the library at 234-4881.    There are three ways you can sign up:  Stop by the library and fill out a form, sign up online, or print out the form and return to the library in person or by mail.

2019_English_Self_Serve (005)


Information Hub

CHCPL Reads 2022 Challenge

Stop by the library or print out this form to complete our CHCPL Reads Challenge! Read a book from all twelve categories and turn in the form at the circulation desk when you have completed the challenge! This reading challenge is for all ages!    Read books and win prizes!

CHCPL Reads 2022-2

Information Hub

CHCPL Text Line

Text “BOOKS” to 859-234-1400 to stay update with everything that is happening at the library.  You don’t have to miss another program!

Information Hub

Book Character Pumpkin Decorating Contest

Guys, you don’t want to miss this! It is going to be so much fun!  Decorate a pumpkin as any book character, the possibilities are endless.  If you need some inspiration, click on the link for ideas . 

Drop off your decorated pumpkin off starting Monday October 18th-Saturday, October 23rd to be entered into the contest.  Your decorated pumpkin will be displayed in the library.  Voting will begin on October 25th at the library and winners will be announced on October 31st.   Winners will receive a prize and all participants will receive a participation prize!  The contest is for the all  ages from the youngest family member to the oldest.    If you have questions, please call the library at 234-4881.


Information Hub

Fall Reading Challenge

The Fall Reading Challenge is from October 1st-November 30th.  It is so easy to sign up, just go to  or download the Beanstack App on your smart phone or tablet.  Read books, complete challenges, and earn tickets to win prizes.  The Reading Challenge is for all ages  from the youngest to oldest family member. If you have questions, please call the library at 234-4881.

Information Hub

Horsing Around With Hank

We are going to have a special visitor at the library on Saturday September 18th! Come to the library and horse around with Hank that day, learn about his special story from his owner Tammi Regan and participate in fun horse themed activities!  September is library card sign up month and I think Hank might get his very own library card that day! I wonder what Hank’s favorite book is?  I bet we will find out on September 18th.  Make plans to attend this fun family event. Call 234-4881 if you have questions.

Hank practicing at Side Saddle Farm for his Salvation Army gig with handler/trainer Tammi Jo Regan on Nov. 23, 2019 Side Saddle Farm in Cynthiana, KY.