Library Movie Night
August 1, 2023
Lights-Camera-Action! Movie Night is coming to the Cynthiana-Harrison County Public Library in September! Join us on Thursday’s for a different genre of movie! Classic Movie Night is September 14th and we will be showing the 1959 classic movie Some Like It Hot starring Marilyn Monroe, Jack Lemmon and Tony Curtis. Then on September 28th, we will have Contemporary Movie Night featuring Antman & Wasp Quantumania featuring Paul Rudd as Ant man. Join us for this fun Marvel movie and get lost in the “marvelverse”. We will have free popcorn at the movie night, just be sure to bring you favorite drink (in a cup with a lid). So “Book” your next movie night at the library, we can’t wait to see you!
Thursday, September 14th @ 6:00-Some Like It Hot (Classic Night)
Thursday, September 28th @ 6:00-Ant Man & Wasp Quantumania (Contemporary Night)
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